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Rapid Healing For Optimum Change
Rapid Healing For Optimum Change
When the Mind-Body-Spirit connection works together, it dramatically changes your life. This fundamental therapy is comprehensive, results-driven and the single biggest key to achieve wholeness and success. It taps into your root causes and clears them to empower you to rapidly heal stress, anxiety, depression, to find your purpose in life, improve health and have amazing relationships. Sudden change is possible. Can you imagine becoming the best version of yourself right now?
"So many of us are leading limited lives. Not because we have to, but because we think we have to." -Bruce Lipton
Through proven methods, adjusting the misaligned patterns at the subconscious level creates quick results. Obtaining goals that you have been struggling with for years will become easy and effortless.
Using the most effective method to quit smoking and vaping in 1 short session, guaranteed or your money back. If you are ready to finally become a non-smoker or non-vaper with ease, schedule a consult appointment now.
Join me for an online course in the ancient wisdom of Aphrodite's Power. I help every woman tap into her divine feminine, to finally have the relationship she biologically needs and subconsciously desires. Single women will learn how to attract the right masculine men, dating women will know how to seal the deal, and married women will be able to reignite the honeymoon stage and stay there. The information in this course is based off decades of research on the biological laws of nature and over 40,000 patient case studies. Learning how to re-claim your birthright is the single most phenomenal thing a woman can do for herself, her family and her community. Thousands of women have affirmed that having Aphrodite's Power is like having a real-life Super Power.
Our subconscious mind communicates with metaphors through our dreams in order to bestow wisdom upon us. Once we learn how to interpret them, we discover they are there to protect, guide, and give us insight into what's happening in our daily life. You will be able to finally solve problems you've had for years and make decisions to create greater success in life.
Successfully achieve every goal you set and finally move forward in life. This guided meditation gives you the tools necessary to accomplish 3 new goals every week. No more daydreaming about your goals, spinning your wheels or feeling stuck. The techniques provided give enough clarity, purpose and power into every goal to create the motivation needed to make your dreams come true.
If you have an ongoing thyroid issue, high cortisol levels, night sweats, brain fog, depression, fatigue, irregular menses, menopausal symptoms, diabetes, anxiety and other types of hormonal imbalance, living more biologically will reset your body's hormone production and create the balance needed. We were not meant to live the way we do today and that is the reason for all of our hormone imbalances. Coming soon...
Albert Einstein
You deserve to be heard, to be healed, to be free
I am committed to helping women live their best lives, unlock their blockages and get out of their own way. It is a divine right to be healthy, happy and successful. Serving clients both online and over the phone.
Professional Credentials:
With 10 years of experience as an Integrative Therapist and a leading femininity expert, my holistic practice has created profound life transformations in short periods of time. My family and I live and work in Carlsbad, CA and are very active in our Village By The Sea community.
"If you say to yourself, "it's difficult to get up in the morning" or "it's hard to cease smoking," then you are already using hypnotic suggestions on yourself." - Richard Bandler
CA License #25751
In 6 one-on-one sessions:
People make true lasting changes only at the subconscious level. Instead of talk-therapy, Breakthroughs create change in minutes rather than months or years
Save thousands of dollars every year, live longer, smell better and avoid health problems in your golden years - all in just one short session today. Guaranteed. Or your money back.
2890 Pio Pico Drive, Suite 200 D, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Open By Appointment Only.
Offering both in-person, online and over the phone therapy.
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